It's weird being the same age as old people Patch measures 4x1.5 inches and is Embroidered in Black / White. The Small can be sewn on or ironed on to clothing. The It's weird being the same age as old people Patch features plastic iron on backing and clean laser cut embroidered borders.
Every day we live is another day older. It's funny how life creeps up on you when you're not paying attention. It can be so stealthy that someday you wake up and realize you are the same age as old people. How weird is that?
Well, it doesn't have to be weird anymore. If you have finally reached 'old person' status, you can laugh about it with the It's Weird Being the Same Age As Old People biker patch. The statement says it all. It is an admission that you have become the person you thought was ancient when you were 10 or 12 years old.
What makes this patch so fitting is that you might not live the life, right now, that you envisioned old people living when you are just a kid. After all, you love to get on your bike and ride. Nothing's better than hanging out with your friends, throwing down a couple of cold ones, and telling funny stories.
Back when you were a kid, you thought old people spent their days playing cards and talking about doctor's appointments. Maybe a lot of them still do. But you still feel young enough to hop on your bike and ride. So yeah, it's kind of weird being the age of old people but still living like a young person.
If you been looking to add some funny patches to your collection, this would be a good one to start with. Of course, you need to be a certain age – we'll let you decide what that age is. In the meantime, get your hands on the It's Weird Being the Same Age as Old People patch and sew it to your jacket, shirt, or vest. Do it today.